Friday 9 January 2015

8 Ways to Improve Your SEO in 20 Minutes or Less

Search engine optimization–it’s difficult! However, it doesn’t always have to be. There are many easy ways people can boost their SEO rankings in less than twenty minutes. Doubt it? SEO professionals get paid well because they know what they’re doing and they work quickly. For someone who wants to take things into their own hands, here are 10 easy ways to improve search engine placement nearly instantly.
1. Delete Duplicate Copy
A lot of people think micro sites with the exact same information are better than having just one site. That’s not true. Un-publish those duplicate sites–and any duplicate content–until it can be completely re-written as original content. Anything that’s copied reads as instant spam to Google Panda, so don’t even try it.
2. Run Google Analytics
If a business or site owner isn’t already depending on Google Analytics, start today. It’s very user-friendly (it can be learned in less than 20 minutes) and provides invaluable information like bouncebacks, how people are getting to the site, the most popular pages and ideas for variant key words and phrases. Consider it a free SEO expert in the office.
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3. Delete or Change Anchor Text
Anchor text is the description that’s attached to URLs. If a site has multiple URLs, such as a site with a lot of products, it’s tempting to slap a generic anchor text on there to sound professional. However, hundreds (or even three) anchor texts that say something like “the ultimate pest control” will quickly be flagged as spam. Either choose unique texts for each URL or skip it.
4. Send 5 Requests for Link Exchanges
Link exchanges are a great way to improve SEO, but be careful about the quality. The links need to be from reputable sources and complementary to the site. That pest control site would do well to exchange links with a doggy daycare, but not so much a cosmetics company. Exchange wisely.
5. Write One New Content Paragraph
Writing completely new content is tiring, overwhelming and simply not feasible in one sitting. Instead, focus on one paragraph or page at a time (depending on how fast the typer is). Setting aside 20 minutes a day to improve content, enhance originality and include keywords is the best way to slowly improve SEO.
6. Find the Right Pros
Oftentimes, it’s best to leave SEO and the tech side of things to professionals. Spend 20 minutes researching SEO companies and data warehousing services. Don’t get sucked into unrealistic promises–no one can guarantee a first place slot on Google search results. Instead, consider if the content they offer is written by professionals, their success rate and the fees.
7. Scan for Bad Links
Newbies have a bad habit of going link crazy. If there are a bunch of links on a site that haven’t been checked for quality ever, start ticking that off the list. Check to make sure the sites they link to are reputable and complementary. If they’re not, delete them.
8. Get Rid of Ads
Unless a site is making a bundle from ads (probably not), get rid of them. Ads read as spam and they don’t look very professional. The best ad program for rookies is AdSense, but even that doesn’t guarantee results. Instead, focus on a clean and austere site to please the Panda.
Breaking down SEO into digestible chunks is an easy–and even fun–way to improve a site’s performance. Don’t bunker down for hours of SEO; leave that kind of dedication to the pros. However, carving out a few minutes every day is a good idea and can yield great results.
Written by Anna Johansson

This article originally appeared here:

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