Tuesday 20 January 2015

Is Twitter good for SEO?

Twitter might not be as powerful as Google when it comes to improving your SEO, however, it's still worth looking into because if done well it can positively affect your rankings. Here are a few reasons why...

While some claim that Google works much better when it comes to influencing your SEO rankings' when it comes to social signals Twitter should not be overlooked. One of the claims often quoted by opponents of Twitter's impact on SEO is that +1's and other Google+ recommendations influence how much of a trusted source you become as your website is more likely to show up in the search results of people who have interacted with you on Google+.

Nevertheless, there are a few smart tricks when it comes to using Twitter to improve your SEO. First, you want to make sure that you schedule your tweets during peak times to ensure you get the most from online exposure.

Twitter does not just help SEO...

1. Choosing a good username helps with search indexing and improves usability for other cross-channel promotions
2. When choosing an account name consider which variation of your name has the best search frequency
3. Include your main keywords in your bio taking advantage of all 160 characters
4. Integrate your Twitter into your website by placing a call to action on the site for others to follow you on Twitter or integrate a Twitter URL within your site's Global Footer. 
5. Add your website's URL in the account settings
6. Choose the first few characters of each tweet wisely as they determine what appears in the tweet's tag on Google (approx. 42 characters)
7. Write keyword-rich tweets if possible by tweeting with a primary keyword phrase to theme each message
8. Keep retweetability in mind by making sure your tweet's character limits allows for retweets
9. Insert backlinks to redirect users back to your content. 
10. Make sure the redirection leads to pages which provide a rich content experience.

Twitter can be a great source of traffic from social media, however, don't expect to see much change when it comes to your SEO performance just because you're on Twitter.

Watch the video below for the latest Twitter SEO tips and find out for yourself whether Twitter is good for SEO or not.

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